Cold Stone Rebrand:

Step Out of your Flavor zone.

Rebrand time!

Current Perception: Old-fashioned and often forgotten with the abundance of “trendy” ice cream shops.

Desired Perception: Cold Stone offers a unique and fun opportunity to experiment and step out of your comfort zone with new flavors and toppings.

Goal: Create relevance, excitement, and a distinct experience when going to get Cold Stone ice cream.

Roles: Art Direction, Strategy, and Graphic Design

Assets Completed: Instagram Carousel, Instagram Stories, Catch of The Day Series (ooh, social video), and Cold Stone Personality Quiz

Logo before rebrand:

Logo after rebrand:


Out of home Ads

The purpose of the OOH ads was to encourage users to choose Cold Stone ice cream over other ice cream options by showing consumers how Cold Stone can encourage you to get out of your comfort zone.


The purpose of the Instagram Carousel and stories was to:

  1. Encourage a deeper connection with consumers by asking them to tell Cold Stone about a time they #steppedoutoftheirflavorzone. In return, Cold Stone is rewarding one lucky participant with their dream adventure.

  2. Give consumers a unique reason to come into Cold Stone via the Stone Cold Personality quiz and start to build a community of those who encourage each other to try new things.

interactive quiz

The purpose of the Stone Cold Personality Quiz was to get consumers to engage with Cold Stone in a unique and intriguing way that incentives consumers to come visit Cold Stone in-store.

Tweet, Tweet,

Tweet on Twitter

The purpose of the tweet series is to hint at the Cold Stone Personality Quiz, the combinations, and the personalities that might go along with them, as well as possible new flavor drops.

Stone Cold



After taking the Stone Cold Personality Quiz, consumers can come into Cold Stone and receive an ice cream treat based on their results. We promise it will be oh-so-you and oh-so-delicious.

Cold Stone


tiktok filter

Step Out of Your

Flavor Zone



Dunkin' Donuts